It is easy to believe that "shopping" is every woman's ideal hobby. Hopping from store to store, trying on this and that, seems pretty easy right? Hmm, not so fast. The process can truly go one way or the other. It can be demeaning and time consuming, leaving one with an ill taste in her mouth, or it can be a confidence building, positive venture in which a woman leaves with an ear-to-ear smile, feeling self-assured-- all depending on where you shop.
Speaking of demeaning, in America over 60% of women are sizes 12 & up, making up the majority of the population, yet these women have the hardest time shopping in today’s market. This right here is why many women HATE shopping. However, here at Neville WIsdom, we believe every woman deserves to feel beautiful & confident. And although that is much easier said than done in this day and age, we are willing to put the time and effort into finding the perfect garments, styles, and fit for you. In fact, one of my favorite things about working at Neville Wisdom is watching how the clothing we make here transforms the confidence of our customers, and their viewpoints on shopping altogether.
Lois is a woman who hates shopping but loves to feel special in her clothing. She admires historic fashion icons such as Jackie Kennedy Onassis, who always looked effortlessly chic in her garments. In fact she says that on the rare occasions she does shop for clothing this is the exact “it” factor she is looking for.
Lois is a music teacher for 4th & 5th graders in East Hampton, a job she has been at for over 35 years. She is bubbly, funny & giggled nearly the entire time we photographed her for this piece. She loves her job, her family & her garden, making time for people who are special to her. As she says, “You never know what tomorrow can bring, so you need to treasure your time & be around people you love”.
With this mentality it becomes evident why she would avoid shopping, trying on clothing only to be disappointed by the fit & walk out with a negative outlook. This Lois says is why when she found Neville’s, it was a breath of fresh air. “I don’t have to worry about fitting into the clothing because everything is fit right to me, there is a lot of attention to detail. The staff does a wonderful job, they’re dedicated to making sure you feel that you have gotten exactly what you wanted.”
Lois’s favorite piece? Her black wool coat with leather elbow patch detailing, that she ordered from the fall fashion show a few years ago (pictured below). It’s classic & beautifully made, & she smiles, all the compliments don’t hurt either. The compliments she says, is a given component with all of her Neville Wisdom pieces, “the pieces have unusual styles, but not crazy unusual, unusual in a way that you are not going to see yourself coming down the street.”